Monday, May 6, 2013

Life changes and the likes

Without going into too much detail about all of the changes that have occurred over the past two years, I will say that I am diving into acting with more force than ever before. I finally did Groundlings....Improv Workshops A & B, and also Basic. Feels great to have some improv under my be T. I also took Basic Acting with Groundlings main company member Andrew Friedman. I am now in my 6th month of Meisner training with Lisa Millilo and Talia Sherman at the Joanne Baron/D.W. Brown Studio in Santa Monica. I'd say that it is the best thing I have ever done for my acting career to date. I absolutely love my coaches, and feel I am doing well in the class. I can really see myself growing as an actor, and am gaining an artistic eye. It is so funny now, watching movies and thinking to myself, What is their superlative? What are they reaching for? What is that person doing and how does the other person feel about it? Are they really listening and responding? Honestly, acting is hard work. It takes dedication. It takes strong observation skills. It requires you to get out of your head. But boy is it fun! I recently stopped working my full time (re: survival - job) which is a bit scary, but I can now put so much more emphasis on my acting career. This is a true test for me, as I suck at time management. I also stink, like majorly, at managing my finances. Two things that I am going to HAVE to get good at if I am going to make this whole, taking advantage of being unemployed thing work. I find that putting things on a calendar really helps me to commit to them. For example, so far today I have daydreamed to the full emotion of tears of joy, I read some of Self Management for Actors (to be further known as SMFA)...I came up with two superlatives for class that have urgency and are life altering, as well as a preset knock, I also bought and downloaded Outliers and The War of Art (both REALLY good books, and definitely with checking out, regardless of your passion). What I wholeheartedly plan to avoid, and I think what is giving me a nice kick in the butt, is the idea of approximately one year from now, having to go back to work due to financial obligations, and having done nothing during my time 'off'. Having nothing to show for it. Thinking, What was I doing with myself?' I will NOT allow that to happen. I WILL take full advantage of and make the most of this wonderful opportunity. I have been dreaming of the day I could focus 100% on my career. And finally, I can. I am making it a point to rehearse more, daydream every day so that I can fully and quickly emotionalize when needed, make superlatives so that I am prepared for when we are finished with our scenes (and I can stop stressing out before each class, wondering, what in the heck am I going to do as my activity tonight?), and I am joining my scene partner Yuka for an artistic this week (artistic =one on one session - additional training). It is a half hour between my scene partner, my coach and I, in addition to regular class time. I at one point had joined The Actors Network, however due to financial limitations I was unable to continue my membership. I am considering renewing it though. We shall see. Friday night, after Yuka and I completed our scene (we were still doing it as a table read), my coach stood up and told me that that not working has been good for my acting, & that I am a different actress. Talk about validation! It feels so good to know that the training is paying off, that the decision to not look for a day job right away is not completely ridiculous. To top it off, my dad and my step-mom are both supportive as well. And that is a darn good feeling. However my dad feels that I should spend some of this time writing, bc he says I am a very good writer. But I would be completely and utterly lost there. I dot think it is a bad idea to write my own stuff - write, produce, act in it....but I have no idea what I am doing there. If anyone feels like collaborating, working on something together, contact me and we can figure something out. You can reach me on twitter - @sarahsavin . Also, has a few links to some of my pages. I just ordered another 6 day Master Cleanse from - it is an all natural, vegan, gluten free powder cleanse. Mix it with water, juice or nut milk, you can even blend it with ice and fruit, maybe some veggies, to make it like a smoothie! Use it as a meal replacement 3 x a day for 3 or 6 days. Eat all the raw fruits, veggies and nuts that you want between meals. I have used Kaeng Raeng twice already and I love it. Doing it this third time around should help me get to where I want to be, prior to having new headshots taken. I recently had my teeth whitened, and hey, zero cavities! Let's all cheer for a beautiful smile! Ta-ta for now! Sarah

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