Friday, May 10, 2013

Cleanse a la Kaeng Raeng

Tomorrow (ok well, today) marks day one of my third run of Kaeng Raeng cleanse. I love this cleanse. If you are ever looking for a gentile, all natural, vegan cleanse, check out Kaeng Raeng ( It is pretty tasty, and you can eat all the raw fruits and vegetables you want! I will be doing the 6 day Master Cleanse. Sticking with water, ice, the powdered mix, and if I get hungry I will munch on some veggies or something, however these cleanses are pretty filling by themselves. Drinking water is also very important while doing Kaeng Raeng (actually, let's be honest, water is important to drink all the time!) I am hoping to reset my diet again, to where once the cleanse is finished, I will go back to a Superhero diet (Don't know what that is? Check out Never in my life have I felt as amazing as a superhero diet has made me feel. No joke. Kaeng Raeng has the same effect. I feel clean, less bloated, full of energy, and get better sleep. Plus, I feel kinder to the environment. It is incredible. BUT, guess who fell off that health wagon? Yours truly. Why do we as humans do that? Why do we find something that we love and makes us feel incredible, that we know is good for us, yet we stop doing it? Ugh, dummy Sarah. So back to the vegan life I go. I am ready to get my superhero powers back!!! Plus, after my teeth whitening and hair cut last week, I am so ready to be camera ready again. So, here's to a fresh start. Happy cleansing!

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